Thursday, 31 May 2012

so only hold me, hold me, and I'll return't you baby, I just need an evening, with someone nice to hide me

بعد با پویان که هستم انگار اینجام اُ همه چی خوبه اُ میدونم چی میخام چون فقد پویانُ میخام محکم بغلم کنه فشارم بده من هی من ناخونامُ بکنم تو بازواش. آخ پویان آخ
o all around a left buttock
and all around a right
all around your every curve
I'm going to go tonight
but only hold me, hold me
all the city's on me
and all their wish to scold me
and lay their hands upon me
so only hold me, hold me
and I'll return't you baby
I just need an evening
with someone nice to hide me

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